İngilizce Hikaye Seti - 60 Kitap Avrupa Dil Portfolyosu'na Göre Hazırlanmış - A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 - C2 - Seviyeleri
By the waters of paradise: Francis Marion Crawford
Amelia and the dwarfs: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The last stetson: John Fox Jr
The hour and the man: Robert Barr
The little red riding hood: Grimm Brothers
The speckled band: Conan doyle, Sir arthur
The luck of roaring camp: Bret Harte
The dracula's guest: Bret Harte
The colonel's ıdeas: Maupasant, Guy de
One autumn night: Maxim Gorky
The Furnished Room: William sydney Porter
The last leaf: William sydney Porter
A defensive diamond: Munro, Hector hung
Long odds & hunter quartermain's story: Haggard, Henry Ridder
To build a fire & a piece of steak: Jack London
Which was the murderer: Robert Barr
Hyacinth: Munro, Hector hung
Gulliver's travels: Jonathan Swift
A piece of string: Guy de Maupassant
A dead womans secret: Maupasant, Guy de
The maid's progress: Mary Hallock Foote
Breaking into fast company: Zane Grey
At comanche ford: Andy Adams
According to their lights: Porter, William sydney
The ınterlopers: Munro, Hector hung
White fang: Jack London
My buried treasure: Richard Harding Davis
The consolation prize: Ethel M. Dell
A lodging for the night: Robert Louis Stevenson
Her freedom: Ethel M. Dell
Peace manoeuvres: Richard Harding Davis
The adventures of charles augustur milverton: Arthur Conan Doyle
The dancing partner: Jerome k. Jerome
The little match girl: Hans Christian Andersen
The cripple: Maupasant, Guy de
My kinsman , major molineux: Nathaniel Hawthorne
The cat that walked by himself: Rudyard Kipling
How ı edited an agricultural paper: Mark Twain
Hermann the ırascible: Munro, Hector hung
Elder brown's backslide: Harry Stillwell Edwards
A venetian night's entertainment: Edith Wharton
Crocker's hole: R.D. Blackmore
The fly: Katherine Mansfield
Where the Heart ıs: Ethel M. Dell
The swindler: Ethel M. Dell
The sire de maletroit's door: Robert Louis Stevenson
The friend who stood by: Ethel M. Dell
The sphinx without a secret: Oscar Wilde
Titbottom's spectacles: George William Curtis
The land of lost toys: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The frame up: Richard Harding Davis
In exile: Mary Hallock Foote
Billy and the big stick: Richard Harding Davis
Bad medicine: Andy Adams
The balking of christopher: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
The amethyst comb: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
A dark brown dog: Stephen Crane
Aunt kipp: May alcott, Louisa
An ımaginative woman: Thomas Hardy
The dissappearance of crispina umberleigh: Munro, Hector hung
By the waters of paradise: Francis Marion Crawford
Amelia and the dwarfs: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The last stetson: John Fox Jr
The hour and the man: Robert Barr
The little red riding hood: Grimm Brothers
The speckled band: Conan doyle, Sir arthur
The luck of roaring camp: Bret Harte
The dracula's guest: Bret Harte
The colonel's ıdeas: Maupasant, Guy de
One autumn night: Maxim Gorky
The Furnished Room: William sydney Porter
The last leaf: William sydney Porter
A defensive diamond: Munro, Hector hung
Long odds & hunter quartermain's story: Haggard, Henry Ridder
To build a fire & a piece of steak: Jack London
Which was the murderer: Robert Barr
Hyacinth: Munro, Hector hung
Gulliver's travels: Jonathan Swift
A piece of string: Guy de Maupassant
A dead womans secret: Maupasant, Guy de
The maid's progress: Mary Hallock Foote
Breaking into fast company: Zane Grey
At comanche ford: Andy Adams
According to their lights: Porter, William sydney
The ınterlopers: Munro, Hector hung
White fang: Jack London
My buried treasure: Richard Harding Davis
The consolation prize: Ethel M. Dell
A lodging for the night: Robert Louis Stevenson
Her freedom: Ethel M. Dell
Peace manoeuvres: Richard Harding Davis
The adventures of charles augustur milverton: Arthur Conan Doyle
The dancing partner: Jerome k. Jerome
The little match girl: Hans Christian Andersen
The cripple: Maupasant, Guy de
My kinsman , major molineux: Nathaniel Hawthorne
The cat that walked by himself: Rudyard Kipling
How ı edited an agricultural paper: Mark Twain
Hermann the ırascible: Munro, Hector hung
Elder brown's backslide: Harry Stillwell Edwards
A venetian night's entertainment: Edith Wharton
Crocker's hole: R.D. Blackmore
The fly: Katherine Mansfield
Where the Heart ıs: Ethel M. Dell
The swindler: Ethel M. Dell
The sire de maletroit's door: Robert Louis Stevenson
The friend who stood by: Ethel M. Dell
The sphinx without a secret: Oscar Wilde
Titbottom's spectacles: George William Curtis
The land of lost toys: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The frame up: Richard Harding Davis
In exile: Mary Hallock Foote
Billy and the big stick: Richard Harding Davis
Bad medicine: Andy Adams
The balking of christopher: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
The amethyst comb: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
A dark brown dog: Stephen Crane
Aunt kipp: May alcott, Louisa
An ımaginative woman: Thomas Hardy
The dissappearance of crispina umberleigh: Munro, Hector hung
By the waters of paradise: Francis Marion Crawford
Amelia and the dwarfs: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The last stetson: John Fox Jr
The hour and the man: Robert Barr
The little red riding hood: Grimm Brothers
The speckled band: Conan doyle, Sir arthur
The luck of roaring camp: Bret Harte
The dracula's guest: Bret Harte
The colonel's ıdeas: Maupasant, Guy de
One autumn night: Maxim Gorky
The Furnished Room: William sydney Porter
The last leaf: William sydney Porter
A defensive diamond: Munro, Hector hung
Long odds & hunter quartermain's story: Haggard, Henry Ridder
To build a fire & a piece of steak: Jack London
Which was the murderer: Robert Barr
Hyacinth: Munro, Hector hung
Gulliver's travels: Jonathan Swift
A piece of string: Guy de Maupassant
A dead womans secret: Maupasant, Guy de
The maid's progress: Mary Hallock Foote
Breaking into fast company: Zane Grey
At comanche ford: Andy Adams
According to their lights: Porter, William sydney
The ınterlopers: Munro, Hector hung
White fang: Jack London
My buried treasure: Richard Harding Davis
The consolation prize: Ethel M. Dell
A lodging for the night: Robert Louis Stevenson
Her freedom: Ethel M. Dell
Peace manoeuvres: Richard Harding Davis
The adventures of charles augustur milverton: Arthur Conan Doyle
The dancing partner: Jerome k. Jerome
The little match girl: Hans Christian Andersen
The cripple: Maupasant, Guy de
My kinsman , major molineux: Nathaniel Hawthorne
The cat that walked by himself: Rudyard Kipling
How ı edited an agricultural paper: Mark Twain
Hermann the ırascible: Munro, Hector hung
Elder brown's backslide: Harry Stillwell Edwards
A venetian night's entertainment: Edith Wharton
Crocker's hole: R.D. Blackmore
The fly: Katherine Mansfield
Where the Heart ıs: Ethel M. Dell
The swindler: Ethel M. Dell
The sire de maletroit's door: Robert Louis Stevenson
The friend who stood by: Ethel M. Dell
The sphinx without a secret: Oscar Wilde
Titbottom's spectacles: George William Curtis
The land of lost toys: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The frame up: Richard Harding Davis
In exile: Mary Hallock Foote
Billy and the big stick: Richard Harding Davis
Bad medicine: Andy Adams
The balking of christopher: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
The amethyst comb: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
A dark brown dog: Stephen Crane
Aunt kipp: May alcott, Louisa
An ımaginative woman: Thomas Hardy
The dissappearance of crispina umberleigh: Munro, Hector hung
By the waters of paradise: Francis Marion Crawford
Amelia and the dwarfs: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The last stetson: John Fox Jr
The hour and the man: Robert Barr
The little red riding hood: Grimm Brothers
The speckled band: Conan doyle, Sir arthur
The luck of roaring camp: Bret Harte
The dracula's guest: Bret Harte
The colonel's ıdeas: Maupasant, Guy de
One autumn night: Maxim Gorky
The Furnished Room: William sydney Porter
The last leaf: William sydney Porter
A defensive diamond: Munro, Hector hung
Long odds & hunter quartermain's story: Haggard, Henry Ridder
To build a fire & a piece of steak: Jack London
Which was the murderer: Robert Barr
Hyacinth: Munro, Hector hung
Gulliver's travels: Jonathan Swift
A piece of string: Guy de Maupassant
A dead womans secret: Maupasant, Guy de
The maid's progress: Mary Hallock Foote
Breaking into fast company: Zane Grey
At comanche ford: Andy Adams
According to their lights: Porter, William sydney
The ınterlopers: Munro, Hector hung
White fang: Jack London
My buried treasure: Richard Harding Davis
The consolation prize: Ethel M. Dell
A lodging for the night: Robert Louis Stevenson
Her freedom: Ethel M. Dell
Peace manoeuvres: Richard Harding Davis
The adventures of charles augustur milverton: Arthur Conan Doyle
The dancing partner: Jerome k. Jerome
The little match girl: Hans Christian Andersen
The cripple: Maupasant, Guy de
My kinsman , major molineux: Nathaniel Hawthorne
The cat that walked by himself: Rudyard Kipling
How ı edited an agricultural paper: Mark Twain
Hermann the ırascible: Munro, Hector hung
Elder brown's backslide: Harry Stillwell Edwards
A venetian night's entertainment: Edith Wharton
Crocker's hole: R.D. Blackmore
The fly: Katherine Mansfield
Where the Heart ıs: Ethel M. Dell
The swindler: Ethel M. Dell
The sire de maletroit's door: Robert Louis Stevenson
The friend who stood by: Ethel M. Dell
The sphinx without a secret: Oscar Wilde
Titbottom's spectacles: George William Curtis
The land of lost toys: Juliana Horatia Ewing
The frame up: Richard Harding Davis
In exile: Mary Hallock Foote
Billy and the big stick: Richard Harding Davis
Bad medicine: Andy Adams
The balking of christopher: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
The amethyst comb: Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
A dark brown dog: Stephen Crane
Aunt kipp: May alcott, Louisa
An ımaginative woman: Thomas Hardy
The dissappearance of crispina umberleigh: Munro, Hector hung
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